Assalamualaikum everyone.
Phew, guess what? This is my first post for 2018.
Hahahaha. Lately, I have been busy venturing with my new passion, which is STUDY !!!
Yeap, after working for 2 years, I think it is my best way to spread my wings and follow my dreams in order to become all-rounded lecturer. From there, I will be able to share my academic experience and working experience that will benefit me for future.
Currently, I enroll my first semester at Universiti Putra Malaysia under Master of Corporate Communication. This program is slightly different from my degree which is Interpersonal Communication. If Interpersonal Communication explain on basic form of human communication, Corporate Communication is more explaining on the management function in establishing and maintaining mutual relationship between an organization and the various public or stakeholders.
If you guys are interested to enroll into this program, I suggest you to come out with topic for proposal as you will be ask to do your dissertation. This program can be taken ranging from 4 until 6 semester. Somehow, it is advisable for you to Graduate On Time where the suitable period for this program is 2 years/4 semester.
In order to complete this program, you need to fulfill minimum of 40 hour credit which consists of 34 hour credit for compulsory course and 6 hour credit for elective subject. Compulsory subject offered for this program which are:
- Advanced Public Relations
- Theory & Practice of Corporate Communication
- Organisational Communication
- Communication Theory
- Communication and Research Methods
- Statistics for Communication Research
- Integrated Marketing Communication.
- Strategies of Communication
- Communication & Decision Making
- Master Research Project Seminar (to be taken on 3rd Semester)
- Dissertation (2 semesters)
Each subject comes out with 3 hour credit. For Master Research Project Seminar, 1 hour credit and Dissertation, 6 hour credit.
Another 6 hour credit will be offered from time to time as the subject offered depends on the semester itself. Therefore, you need to pick carefully the elective subject, based on your passion and ability to deliver. Hereby I attached together list of elective subjects offered in UPM which are:
First Semester
- Data Analysis and Interpretation
- Public Speaking for Professionals
- Interpersonal Communication
- Intercultural Communication
Second Semester
- Psychology of Communication
- Advanced Advertising
- Crisis Communication
- Brand Communication
In addition, whenever you reach 3rd semester/2nd year of your study, it is compulsory for you to take seminar where you have to do DEFENSE PROPOSAL... mini thesis is required where you have to do it. But, it will not involve Viva de Voce.
UPM offers 2 intakes in a year which are on February and September. To register, you may browse into this website for more details. Afterwards, click on SGS Online Application. There, you need to register on PostGraduate Portal. After you register, you may apply for Master in Corporate Communication as what I did.

Do fulfill all requirements needed and send to SGS for approval. Once approved, you are considered as a UPM student.
Ok. Now, it is come to an end of my post. Hope you will be interested to study further on postgraduate section as knowledge should be learned at all times. Bye bye !!!